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首页  >   深圳市倍测检测有限公司
  • 中文全称:深圳市倍测检测有限公司
  • 英文名称:BCTC TEST
  • 公司地址:深圳市宝安区福永街道塘尾福园一路鹏洲工业园倍测检测大厦Address:Measure industrial park, an industrial park, Tominaga street, Tominaga street, Baoan district, Shenzhen city
深圳市倍测检测有限公司(BCTC)作为国际权威的第三方检测与认证服务的优先者,是一家集检测、检验、认证及技术服务的综合性第三方检测机构,在世界各地为企业提供一站式的解决方案。 倍测检测成立于2008年,总部位于深圳福永。自成立以来,通过不断的自我完善和发展,目前拥有电磁兼容实验室、产品安全实验室、电池实验室、汽车电子实验室、化学实验室以及环境可靠性等,并在深圳龙华、东莞、浙江、苏州、重庆设立分支机构。 倍测检测已获得中国合格评定国家认可委员会CNAS,中国计量认证CMA认可和授权,同时也是UL美华、FCC、TUV南德与莱茵、欧陆Eurofins、ETL、CSA等国际权威机构授权合作实验室,检测报告具有国际公信力。 倍测检测的业务范围覆盖电子产品IT信息类、家电类、灯具照明类、电动工具类、AV视听播放类、医疗设备类、汽车电子类、无线通讯类等以及其他消费品纺织品类、玩具类等。从测试、检验、认证到审核,以及技术的研究和培训咨询,倍测检测一直在为更多的行业协会以及企业提供专业创新的解决方案。作为国际化和多元化的专业检测和认证服务机构,倍测实验室致力于为全人类安全放心地使用电子电器产品而不懈奋斗! As an international authority priority in testing and verification services for Chinese companies, Shenzhen BCTC Testing Co., Ltd.(BCTC) is a comprehensive third-party agency which specializes in testing, inspection, certification and technical services and provides a one-stop solution for all customers worldwide of all types and sizes. BCTC is founded in 2008 and headquartered in Shenzhen. At present, BCTC operates many laboratories in the field of EMC, safety, battery, automotive electronics, chemistry, environmental reliability and more. Furthermore, BCTC operates branches in Dongguang, Zhejiang, Suzhou, Chongqing and Longhua district of Shenzhen. BCTC has already acquired recognition and authorization by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) and the China Metrology Accreditation(CMA). Moreover, BCTC has been authorized by the UL EduNeering, Federal Communications Commission(FCC), the TüV SüD and Rheinland, the Eurofins, the ETL, the CSA and more. Undoubtedly, BCTC’s testing reports have international credibility. BCTC’s service items include but are not limited to: IT product, home appliances, Lighting tools, radio and television audio, medical, automotive electronics, Wireless products, textiles, toys and so on. BCTC has been providing professional and innov-ative solutions for more industry associations and enterprises, ranging from testing, inspection, certification to audit, technical research and training consultation. As a international and diversified agency in testing and verification services, BCTC is committed to human’s security using electronic products and unremitting struggle!


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