德仪国际贸易(上海) 有限公司
- 中文全称:德仪国际贸易(上海) 有限公司
- 公司地址:上海市徐汇区中山西路2025号2112室
1. 碳纤维产品主要是短切和碳纤纸和毛毡,主要针对汽车内饰件的美化和纯塑料件的加强等。
2. 精密注塑件主要针对一些机加工比较繁琐而量有比较大的零配件,我们会以注塑的方式解决,精度高。
3. 碳纤改性塑料主要针对汽车的塑料加强注塑件,我们提供改性完的碳纤维塑料颗粒提供给整车厂经销商做注塑,在强度不变的情况下达到轻量化的目的。
4. 超强工厂塑料主要针对于完美的以塑代钢,螺丝、轴承、齿轮等,塑料强度完全代替原本的金属件,达到轻量化目的。
Our company is focus on the development and introduction of new material and advanced material. Main products are Carbon fiber, precise injection, and Carbon fiber compounding material and super strength engineering plastic.
Currently we have 5 years’ experience on distributing the high performance material from Japan and USA. Our principle is NPS Japan, Terabo Japan, Nechie Japan and Piper USA.
1. Carbon chopped fiber、Carbon paper and Carbon felt mainly focus on good appearance and strength increasing.
2. Precise injection is for the quite complicated parts if made by machining. We can offer the method of injection and high precision.
3. Carbon fiber compounding is for the injection of Car manufacturer. In the same strength condition it can light weight.
4. Super strength engineering plastic can replace the metal like Aluminum and steel etc. perfectly. To be light weight.