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  • 中文全称:玛吉斯轮胎公司
  • 英文名称:Maxxis Rubber
  • 公司地址:
One of the world’s most trusted tire brands, Maxxis delivers high-quality tire products to customers in 180 countries and employs more than 30,000+ people. Of course, we didn’t become one of the world’s top tire companies overnight. Through the years since its founding in 1967, Maxxis has become known for its commitment to excellent products and customer service. That commitment to offer the best has led us to create new technologies to develop our tires. Maxxis products are then tested both at our own facilities and at the world’s leading tire test centers. Input from our roster of championship-winning riders also ensures that our products measure up to the toughest real-world standards. Every Maxxis tire is manufactured using the most advanced equipment, by personnel who display a dedication to quality at every level, from management to the factory floor. For winning races or enjoying a safe daily commute, Maxxis is the tire company riders and drivers trust.


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