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ITT公司成立于1920年,总部位于纽约州白滩市(White Plains),在世界各地超过15个国家拥有雇员,产品在125多个国家进行销售,是一家全球化的企业集团。公司多元化优良的产品为不断发展的能源基础设施、电子、航空航天及运输行业终端市场提供精密的关键性部件和定制技术解决方案。ITT以传承创新为基础,为客户在核心工业方面提供持久的解决方案同时致力于为人们创造更现代化的生活方式。





Since our founding more than 100 years ago, ITW has become one of the world’s leading diversified manufacturers of specialized industrial equipment, consumables, and related service businesses. ITW businesses serve local customers and markets around the globe, with a significant presence in developed as well as emerging markets. The company has operations in 57 countries that employ more than 48,000 women and men who adhere to the highest ethical standards. These talented individuals, many of whom have specialized engineering or scientific expertise, contribute to our global leadership in innovation. We are proud of our broad portfolio of more than 16,000 granted and pending patents.





凯尔达集团有限公司注册资金3.8亿元,创立于1993年,是国内领先的机器人、焊接、切割、环保、自动化等装备、系统及整体解决方案提供商,是集自主研发、设计、生产、销售、系统集成、技术咨询、技术服务为一体的国家级高新技术企业。凯尔达科技园位于中国东南沿海长江三角洲南翼、国家级萧山经济技术开发区,紧邻杭州萧山国际机场和沪杭甬、杭金衢高速公路,占地200亩,厂房面积6万多平方米;凯尔达位于乐清经济开发区的出口生产基地占地70亩,厂房面积5万多平方米。 ????? ??凯尔达集团下设杭州凯尔达机器人科技股份有限公司、杭州凯尔达电焊机有限公司、杭州凯尔达环保科技有限公司、乐清出口生产基地,主要产品包括工业机器人、电焊机、切割机、环保装备、自动化装备、机器人工作站、机器人系统、过程控制、自动化生产线等,共有30多个产品系列、几百种产品规格,广泛应用于航天、航空、船舶、轨道交通、汽车、工程机械、石油化工、能源、电力、钢铁、机械加工、建设安装等行业。凯尔达商标为“浙江省著名商标”、“中国驰名商标”,凯尔达产品为“浙江名牌产品”,凯尔达公司连续12年被中国建设银行评为AAA级信用企业,还被评为省市级“重合同、守信用”明星企业、浙江省知识产权优势企业、十二五规划推荐优秀企业(行业协会向国家发改委、工信部推荐的第2名。

机器人、焊接、切割、环保、自动化等装备、系统及整体解决方案 工业机器人、电焊机、切割机、环保装备、自动化装备、机器人工作站、机器人系统、过程控制、自动化生产线等,共有30多个产品系列、几百种产品规格,广泛应用于航天、航空、船舶、轨道交通、汽车、工程机械、石油化工、能源、电力、钢铁、机械加工、建设安装等行业。




连云港科德化工有限公司座落于国家级连云港经济技术开发区大浦工业园内。占地30亩。 这里环境优美,交通便捷,东临连云港港口,西连陇海铁路、宁连高速、连徐高速、汾灌高 速三面环接,310国道贯穿其中,毗邻连云港机场25公里。连云港科德化工有限公司的前身是连云港科德精细化工厂,她是由原国家二级企业连云港锦屏化工厂技术部骨干成员筹资组股于2001年3月注册的,以生产磷酸盐及柠檬酸盐等系列 食品添加剂为主的精细化工企业。企业自成立以来,得到长足发展,目前产品除畅销国内,还远销日本、美国、欧洲、韩国、东南亚等多个国家和地区。公司技术力量雄厚,四十余年积累的丰富经验和博深的理论知识相结合使企业的产品质量在市场竞争中占据了一定优势。满足了许多客户对各种特殊质量的需求,得到了客户的普遍认可。公司摈弃了老国营企业的傲慢与敷衍,继承了规范和宽厚,拓展了现代新企业的诚信进取的精神风范。公司本着“诚实做人,诚信做事,质量为先,客户至上”的经营理念与各方客商友好合作,共图发展!





Starting with tooling manufacture from 1989 year in Hong Kong, Kong Ngai constantly produces the highest quality products for the various metal industries which have almost 20 years of manufacturing experience. With European, American and Japanese technical experience, we provide high quality products, China price and production stamping die. Kong Ngai mainly produces stamping die, metal part, and prototype product for the automotive, industrial, office and home electric appliances industry. Product type include metal component parts of automotive, copier, printer, water heater, hob, cooker hood, television, network cabinets, token lenders, ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), etc. With 7 million USD investment, 30,000㎡ built-up area and nearly 700 employees in 3 manufacturing plants. We provide our customers a comprehensive solution using our collective resources of product engineering, project management, laser cutting, die building, stamping, welding, painting, plating, assembling and shipping. ?“港艺精密五金工模厂”成立于1989年(香港),1995年从香港迁移到深圳市龙岗区平湖镇,起名为“港艺精密五金模具(深圳)有限公司”,投资额达5000多万港币,现有工厂占地面积30000平方米,员工近1000人。 ? ? ?模具部:有生产设备100多台,生产能力300多套/月(200T),可做模具最大尺寸4×2米,模具种类有:顺送型、机械手型、单发型。经历多年的发展,“港艺精密五金模具(深圳)有限公司”已成为一间在五金界享有盛名的大型专业五金模具制造企业。在成长过程中,我们不断吸收日本方面的模具制造先进技术和管理手段,以致达到客户对高质量产品的要求。





Koryo Tyre Globally distributes and offers to more than 100 nations and regions in Asia, Middle East, Europe, Africa, Australia, and in North and South America. In 2014, we opened our new headquarters (America Koryo, Inc.) in Southern California to expand and diversify into the U.S. Marketplace. Koryo Tyre products and service quality have been approved and conformed with U.S. DOT, ISO 9001, European Community Standard ECE, GULF standard GCC, Nigeria COC, India BIS, Indonesia SNI, and Brazil INMETRO. Koryo Tyre is a leading quality tire manufacturer of radial tires, PCR, bias, and butyl tubes in China. We manufacture various tires in six categories,with nearly 1,000 sizes and patterns of TBR, PCR, OTR,STR,MT, Agriculture, industrial, and motorcycle tires, as well as unique tires. Koryo Tyre produces and supplies high quality tires to our customers at competitive prices with a focus of first class customer service. Your every communication will be treated and responded efficiently.?

U.S. DOT, ISO 9001, European Community Standard ECE, GULF standard GCC, Nigeria COC, India BIS, Indonesia SNI, and Brazil INMETRO.




REMLIN REXSON and SAMES offer complete and innovative solutions for painting, extrusion and powder coating. KREMLIN REXSON?: For 90 years, KREMLIN REXSON designs, manufactures and commercializes equipment for the application of thick or fluids products for the automotive, wood and plastics markets.? SAMES Technologies?: 50 years of know-how and innovations now provide an international reputation for performance and quality in the electrostatic spraying. SAMES has been the supplier of many world centers of nuclear physics, including the Brookhaven National Laboratory in the USA. EXEL Industries?: KREMLIN REXSON and SAMES Technologies are now a part of EXEL Industries. EXEL Industries carries on business; precision spraying, in three complementary markets: agriculture, industry and the general public.? The group is No. 1 worldwide for technical precision spraying in plant protection and is the 3rd place worldwide for the protection of materials.

Glues and sealants | Automatic solutions Glues and sealants | Dosing and mixing solutions Glues and sealants | Manual solutions Liquid materials | Automatic Solutions SAMES Liquid materials | KREMLIN REXSON Automatic Solutions Liquid materials | KREMLIN




健和興端子成立於1973年,專業製造各類型端子、連接器及配線器材,生產品項超過1萬多種,共行銷全球150多個國家地區。2004年,在中國蘇州設立海外生產基地,並陸續在華南地區的廣州成立銷售分公司。本公司一直秉持誠信、團結、品質、研發、奮發的經營理念,致力於合理化、標準化與自動化的提升;從模具設計加工、製造流程整合、自動化組裝包裝、到自動倉儲等,提供全方位的彈性機制,以可靠的品質認證、多樣化的產品線,快速滿足客戶需求。近幾年,本公司成功切入汽車連接器、太陽能、4G通訊與電動車等產業,並積極拓展全球行銷通路,已陸續在美國、泰國與歐洲等地區成立銷售分公司,將發展KST品牌、厚植利基型新產品實力,作為本公司長期的重要經營目標。 K.S. Terminals Inc. was founded in 1973 and specialized in terminals, connectors and wiring accessories. KST produces more than 10,000 items and sells products over 150 countries. In 2004, the oversea manufacturing site was established in Suzhou city, and set up another distributing company in Guangzhou of Southern China. KST are devoted to enhancing rationalization, standardization and automation with our philosophy of honesty, unity, quality, research, and strive. KST provides perfect integrations by mold design, mold processing, advanced manufacturing, automatic assembly and packing, AS/RS Warehouse, along with flexible system, stable quality, and various products to quickly meet all requirements from customers. This years, KST has entered the industries of vehicle connectors, solar energy, 4G telecom, and electric cars, moreover, actively expand the global selling channels which have established branches in the U.S., Thailand, and Europe. Developing KST brand and reinforcing the capability of new niche products has been our long-term and important goal.





与其它技术发明相比,机器人相对而言比较年轻。世界上第一个工业机器人诞生于二十世纪中叶。1973 年,库卡研发了第一台由电机驱动的6轴工业机器人FAMULUS。1996年,库卡机器人公司的工业机器人开发取得质的飞跃。当时,由库卡公司开发的首个基于PC机的控制系统已投放市场。由此开创了以软件、控制系统和机械设备完美结合为特征的、“真正的”机电一体化时代。 工业机器人的用途在过去几年不断增多。对于库卡客户来说,“Made by KUKA Roboter”的自动化是提升生产效率和增加经济效益的重要法宝。它不仅促进产品质量提高,还能降低高昂的物料消耗,并且减少稀缺能源资源的使用。机器人凭借高度灵活的自动化能力,取代了十五年前还广泛使用的呆板、昂贵的特殊机械制造。 过去,工业机器人几乎仅仅应用于汽车行业和大批量生产领域。通过坚定不移地持续发展机器人和控制系统技术,库卡机器人公司现在进入了汽车工业以外的许多其他行业。开发活动主要以新兴市场中的应用为目标 - 尤其是食品、塑料、金属加工、铸造、电子、医疗技术和娱乐业。 库卡机器人使自动化变得简单:设计简单、集成简单、操作简单、保养简单,并且能够简单地匹配客户的特殊要求。凭借控制系统KR C4、KR QUANTEC系列机器人、KR AGILUS系列小型机器人、尤其还有2013年推出的轻型机器人LBR iiwa,库卡正向世人展示机器人技术如何变得更加安全、更加节能。 库卡机器人有限公司的愿景是使机器人成为人类在生产中的智能化好帮手,使机器人能够以高质量工作的优势在生产领域为人提供支持,使中小企业也都能够经济实惠地使用机器人。人与机器人携手合作,通过能力互补成为理想的工作伙伴。

控制系统KR C4、KR QUANTEC系列机器人、KR AGILUS系列小型机器人 轻型机器人LBR iiwa



